Gombe State Ministry of Finance and Economic Development

is strategically Positioned to Deliver Relevant Formulation and monitoring of macroeconomic policies, including issues relating to fiscal policy and public finance, inflation, public debt management and Oversee to The Smooth Functioning of The Gombe states Economy, generally.


The Gombe state Ministry of Finance and Economic Development was established to provide the Financial and Economic Development Support that helps the Gombe state government to translate its vision of providing the dividends of democracy to the citizens and residents of Gombe state.

Some of her Specific Functions Include

  • Budget function – Implement budget and fiscal policies of the Government of Gombe state.
  • Manage government financial assets.
  • Propose bills related to the management of government employees, particularly bills related to staffing, salaries, benefits and pensions.
  • Amortize debt and coordinate financial activities carried out within the scope of its power, for the different ministries and their related entities.
  • Be aware of and report on any initiative of a financial nature involving public expenditure and indebtedness before it is debated by Congress.
  • Participate in the negotiation of international free trade and financial agreements.

The ministry is structured into six agencies, with their respective operational departments and units.


The Gombe state Ministry of Finance and Economic Development was established to provide the Financial and Economic Development Support that helps the Gombe state government to translate its vision of providing the dividends of democracy to the citizens and residents of Gombe state.

Some of her Specific Functions Include

  • Budget function – Implement budget and fiscal policies of the Government of Gombe state.
  • Manage government financial assets.
  • Propose bills related to the management of government employees, particularly bills related to staffing, salaries, benefits and pensions.
  • Amortize debt and coordinate financial activities carried out within the scope of its power, for the different ministries and their related entities.
  • Be aware of and report on any initiative of a financial nature involving public expenditure and indebtedness before it is debated by Congress.
  • Participate in the negotiation of international free trade and financial agreements.

The ministry is structured into six agencies, with their respective operational departments and units.


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